Quality projects tailored
to your brand values
Our Investment Types
Investment Principles
High quality accredited projects which make compelling differences to the environment and the societies they serve are at the core of our business.
We embrace the use of independent rigorous third party due-diligence beyond the registries in every investment to protect our clients from any accusation of "greenwashing".
We don't just sell credits - we invest in projects and programs and where we can see long term benefits to the environment. Additionality and Permanence in addition to ratified project baselines are central to our selection criteria.
We track each project closely and share the environmental and social impact with our clients via the airfriendly.net portal in real time. As a business we support a wide and diverse range of charities and trusts committed to creating a better environment outside of regulated offsetting.
Carbon Credit Investment Criteria
We only invest in or support projects verified by the five leading Carbon Certification bodies in the world;
Gold Standard Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VER),
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS),
United Nations Certified Emission Reductions (CER),
BioCarbon Registry (BCR)
Puro.earth (PE)
Every project must also meet independent third party due-diligence and high scoring thresholds using scientific analysis underpinned with technologies including satellites, drones, and machine learning algorithms.
Let's keep our planet beautiful.
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